A broken relationship, sickness and depression plague a young woman and her mother. Will God hear their cries and deliver them?
“Please don’t do this,” Eesha said as tears rolled down her cheeks. She ran to her husband and tried to grab his arm, but he slapped her hands away.
“I want to be with someone else. I don’t care about you anymore,” he said, throwing a bag containing all his belongings over his shoulder.
“What about our children? What will they think of you after this?” Eesha started sobbing. She begged her husband to stay, but he wouldn’t listen.
“Didn’t you hear me? I don’t care!” he yelled.
Before Eesha could say another word, her husband slammed the door behind him. Eesha’s face grew hot as she rolled her hands into fists. Without thinking, she grabbed a vase from the kitchen table and threw it on the ground, watching as it shattered into pieces. She then fell to the floor, crying. She felt empty and scared for the future, but she knew she needed to be brave for her three children.
Returning home
Throughout the next few days, Eesha started another job and worked long hours each week. Unfortunately, she couldn’t earn enough money to pay for all of her children’s needs, so she went to visit her mother.
“Mama, I don’t know what to do! My husband is gone, and I don’t have enough money to care for my children,” Eesha cried to her mother, Jothimani.
“Don’t worry,” Jothimani said, comforting her heartbroken daughter. “Come home and live with your father and me. We’ll help you.”
So Eesha and her children moved in.
At first, everything went well. Eesha and her parents worked hard to support the children. Soon, however, Jothimani became very sick. She couldn’t move her hands or her feet. Her family took her to the hospital for treatment, but she remained paralyzed.

A mother’s fears
Jothimani grew more and more depressed. She felt as if all her hopes and dreams were shattered. She was worried about what would happen to her husband, daughter and grandchildren if she were to die.
Just when Jothimani was about to give up all hope, Gospel Outreach Bible worker Anbarasu knocked on the door.
“There is a God in heaven who will heal you,” Anbarasu told Jothimani. “He is ready to answer prayers from anyone who believes in Jesus and calls on His holy name.”
Help and hope from above
As Anbarasu shared the Word of God, Jothimani began to believe in Jesus and asked that Anbarasu pray for her. Anbarasu applied oil to Jothimani’s paralyzed hands and feet, praying for healing in the name of Jesus.
Throughout the next few weeks, Anbarasu continued to visit and pray for Jothimani. Her health soon improved.
Today, Jothimani is fully recovered.
She and her family are grateful to God for His healing power. They believe in Jesus’ name and are living witnesses for Christ in their village. Please pray for Eesha, Jothimani and the family so that they may continue to tell others about Jesus’ love.