In a distant village far from the country’s capital, nestled between rolling hills and fertile fields, lives a man of power and authority known to all as Chief Riger. He was not only the headman of the village and the surrounding territory but also a devoted follower of the religious teachings of … [Read more...] about Raised from the dead
Baptism held at camp meeting for deaf people
The seventh annual deaf camp meeting was held in December last year at the Seventh-day Adventist senior high school in Agona, a small town in Ghana, West Africa. More than 70 deaf, including people who weren’t Adventists, attended the camp meeting. People came from all six churches for the deaf … [Read more...] about Baptism held at camp meeting for deaf people
Bless and multiply
My wife and I recently returned home from a Gospel Outreach trip to Tennessee and Florida. On the trip we were part of rallies to raise awareness of mission through support of Bible workers in the 10/40 Window. Ed Wright, our southern chapter leader, along with his team, and the Melashenko Family … [Read more...] about Bless and multiply
Thank God I’m still alive
Thailand—My name is Lay Wah Htoo. I’m a sixth-grade student at Sunshine Orchard Learning Center, which is located on the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Many hard things have happened to me. When I was 2, my dad came home drunk one night. He got into a fight with my mom and burned her alive at … [Read more...] about Thank God I’m still alive
Why, God?
8 men struggle to find meaning in a world torn by violence and death One day, eight men met under a shade tree in their town. Their Muslim nation seemed trapped by soaring inflation, escalating violence and a military coup. Why would God allow these problems? What could be done to turn things … [Read more...] about Why, God?
Faithful and true
On May 21, 2008, Christian singer/songwriter Steven Curtis Chapman began living the anguished cry of another musician, David, who penned these words found in Psalm 13: “How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and … [Read more...] about Faithful and true
Cast all cares on the Lord
Being a SULADS missionary in the Philippines provides many occasions to build faith. Part of my work includes supervising a farm and providing food for our school. Sometimes we’re short on food, and I lose sleep wondering what to do. It’s a challenge to practice Matthew 6:25, which says: “For … [Read more...] about Cast all cares on the Lord
In giving, I’m living
A conference-wide youth congress at Mountain View College in the Philippines was fast approaching. A week before the event, Elpie, one of my former Mindanao Mission Academy students, contacted me to see if I’d be at the youth congress. When Elpie found out I’d be attending, she told me she’d … [Read more...] about In giving, I’m living